abstract interpretation造句
- Abstract interpretation tools can compute simple invariants of given imperative computer programs.
- The algorithm operates by performing abstract interpretation of the code in SSA form.
- The mathematical techniques used include denotational semantics, axiomatic semantics, operational semantics, and abstract interpretation.
- On the tracery of the interior ransom walls are abstract interpretations of the kiyapo plant.
- Upon completion of the abstract interpretation, instructions which were never reached are marked as dead code.
- It's difficult to find abstract interpretation in a sentence. 用abstract interpretation造句挺難的
- Implementation techniques include state space enumeration, symbolic state space enumeration, abstract interpretation, symbolic simulation, abstraction refinement.
- Techniques such as abstract interpretation, constraint solving, and type systems may be used for control-flow analysis.
- The technique of abstract interpretation can be used to detect loop invariant of given code automatically.
- His paintings of the female head and form quickly developed into a vehicle for his abstract interpretations.
- Given a programming or specification language, abstract interpretation consists of giving several semantics linked by relations of abstraction.
- Abstract interpretation was formalized by the French computer scientists Patrick Cousot and Radhia Cousot in the late 1970s.
- Hence, loop invariants and variants are provided by human users, or are inferred by some abstract interpretation procedure.
- Abstract interpretation makes ample use of the Knaster Tarski theorem and the formulas giving the least and greatest fixpoints.
- The thing I think that was missed on ` Psycho'is that it was meant to be an abstract interpretation.
- His paintings are often abstract interpretations of how the pigment materials are understood according to historical, literary, and psychological contexts.
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